Grief support, respite and reduced costs: In Valerie Willock’s experience, too few people understand the ways hospice services extend beyond patients to their caregivers.
It’s something she’s trying to change in her role as a community relations specialist with Emmanuel Hospice. One of her main goals is to break the stigma of hospice and get more people to take advantage of the many benefits sooner.
“There are so many different programs that help those caring for a seriously ill loved one,” she says. “One of my favorites is the respite program, which allows caregivers to rest and recover while their loved one receives care for up to five days at a skilled nursing facility at no additional cost.
“We will safely transport their loved one there, ensuring their medication and key belongings come with them. We’ll also ensure patients are well taken care of while their caregiver takes a much-needed break.”
Hospice social workers can also help caregivers make arrangements for when their loved one passes, working to ensure there are no surprises when it comes to funeral costs.
“Our social workers are great for identifying external resources to meet any need,” Willock explains. “We won’t choose for you, but we’ll give you the information and connections to help you navigate the situation.”
Hospice can also provide emotional support to caregivers who may be experiencing a range of feelings
“With our bereavement team, we provide support through the entire process,” Willock adds. “Our care does not end when a loved one has passed. At Emmanuel Hospice, we continue to support the family for at least 13 months following their loss.”
Perhaps one of the most powerful benefits of hospice for caregivers, Willock says, is that it allows them to step out of that caregiving role, if even for a short time, so they can just be with their loved one and make positive memories during the time they have left together.
“We want to enable that daughter who is taking care of her dad the chance to just be a daughter,” Willock says. “Our goal is to do something special for every patient and their family – something that brings a little extra joy during a difficult time.”
By granting patient wishes and offering complementary services alongside expert medical care, Emmanuel helps makes hospice more about living than dying.
“Our patient wish program is phenomenal,” Willock says. “Wishes have ranged from simple activities, such as setting up a meal for a couple to inviting family and friends to enjoy an afternoon fishing or an evening concert.
“We also offer programs that create a unique piece of legacy for families involving their loved one’s finger prints, hand molds and heartbeat recordings.”
One of the keys to personalizing patient experiences is to be able to get to know patients and their loved ones over time, which can be possible when inquiring about hospice sooner than later. People who have been given a physician prognosis of six months or less to live are eligible for hospice care, and there is usually no direct cost to patients and their loved ones.
“Generally, Medicare covers hospice 100% – no copays, no out-of-pocket costs,” Willock emphasizes. “That covers all visits from our team members, including those who are on-call 24/7, as well as any durable medical equipment and a lot of medications. All supplies get ordered and delivered for you. You can stay wherever you call home and focus on living life to the fullest extent possible.”
For more information, call 616.719.0919 or visit