On July 11-12, Emmanuel Hospice staff members – Heather O’Brien and Shasta May joined hundreds of hospice advocates in Washington, D.C. for the 2016 HAN Advocacy Intensive.
Heather and Shasta gathered with representatives from hospice agencies around the country to learn about policies affecting end-of-life care and share stories with our elected officials. Heather and Shasta, along with other Michigan hospice representatives, visited the offices of 11 Michigan lawmakers. They were impressed with how friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive the staffers were as they shared their hospice stories.
Another highlight of their visit was seeing all of the Michigan-related pictures and mementos the legislators have collected over the years.
“I learned so much about advocacy, our government, the senate and the house of representatives during our time in Washington DC,” Heather said. “I have a new respect for the number of meetings and busy jobs our legislators and their staffers have to contend with.” Shasta also had an enjoyable experience on the trip. “I learned a lot and loved every moment of it!” she said. “I met some really nice people, and I hope I get to go again soon.”
We want to extend a big thank you to Heather and Shasta for being great advocates for our ministry.
You don’t have to travel to Washington D.C. like Heather and Shasta, but there are some simple ways you can be a hospice advocate, too!
1. Use your social media presence for good.
Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to stay up to date on events and help spread the word about Emmanuel Hospice’s work in the community.
2. Share Emmanuel Hospice’s services with your family and friends.
If your life has been touched by hospice, consider sharing your story so others may also connect to the compassionate care that Emmanuel Hospice provides.
3. Become a volunteer.
Whether it is playing cards with a patient, providing much-needed respite for a family member, or making handmade cards for patients and their families, our volunteers are the hands and feet of Emmanuel Hospice.
Consider the impact you can have as an advocate for hospice care. Every cause needs advocates, and maybe that advocate is YOU!